Wednesday 5 December 2018

Three very important safety tips before during and after workouts

The biggest mistake anyone who works out can make is to not prioritize safety. If you find yourself guilty of this, it’s high time you change your methods. Let’s look at some ways to ensure a safe workout before, during, and after training.
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Warm-up, stretch, and cool down

Warming up and stretching your muscles before you train is a must, especially if you’re working out early in the morning. In the early hours of the day, muscles are cold and tight and may be injured easily. Warming them up and stretching them is a way to get them ready.

After workouts, a good stretch and a cool down routine allow blood to flow regularly again. This saves you from a lot of muscle pain in the hours and days to come.

Proper form

Weightlifting form has been developed throughout history to keep the body from injuring itself. Observe proper form, especially when lifting weights to make sure your muscles and skeletal structure support each other in the correct manner.

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Neatness of the place

This is probably the most important rule, especially if you’re training in a public gym. After lifting weights, put them back where you got them. The same thing goes for other equipment such as Bosu balls, plyo boxes, bands, and the like. Even the smallest, most non-threatening pieces of gym equipment may cause a bad fall.

Ryan Shephard here, future sports therapist. I am currently a student at the University of Michigan majoring in athletic training. These days, I have courses in anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and pharmacology. I'm enjoying learning from the industry's best. What's even more interesting is that I also get to work with the country's top athletes. For more insightful reads on training and working out, visit this blog.