Thursday 10 January 2019

Exercise choices to keep you optimally fit and healthy

It’s not enough, fitness experts will tell you, to limit your exercise regimen to just one type of activity. In this blog, we’ll look at three most beneficial exercise types to keep you healthy and fit, not to mention active and feeling great about your body.

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The first exercise category is aerobics, which aids in improving your breathing and speeding up your heart rate. Working out your heart and lungs increases your endurance and helps you not feel winded after, say, walking up the stairs. Aerobic exercises likewise lower your blood pressure and blood sugar levels and reduces body fat, effectively aiding in preventing heart disease and stroke. You can have aerobics added to your regimen by walking, dancing, cycling, or joggling.

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Balance exercises like tai chi or yoga are also important, especially as we get older and our vision, leg muscles, and inner ear’s functions begin to deteriorate, causing us to have problems keeping steady. Adding balance exercises does not need you to already have balance issues, of course. These exercise types improve joint flexibility and strengthens hand and leg muscles.

Strength training is key to counter lost mass as we age. It helps immensely in doing everyday tasks, from lifting heavy objects to gardening. It likewise lowers blood sugar and reduces stress and pain in our lower back joints. We suggest doing this regimen two to three times, whether at home or at the gym. Typical strength training routines involve lunges, push-ups, and squats.

Hey, there. I’m Ryan Shephard, a student at the University of Michigan taking up Athletic Training. Thankfully, my courses allow me to learn anatomy, physiology, nutrition, and pharmacology, as I hope to be a professional sports trainer someday. More on me and my interests here.